ABC Blocks


Database and Website Design, Development, and Deployment--All in the Service of Your Mission

Non-profit organizations are built around mission statements, and apply as much of their resources as possible to those tasks that directly advance their missions. We have developed applications to assist non-profit clients with client relationship management, volunteer management, membership management, program registration, communications management, event planning, small-volume sales, and inventory and purchasing management.

To meet these needs on-time and on-budget, ABCDataworks does most of our development using Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server. Access is a low-cost product that allows an experienced programmer to create data-based applications in an extremely short amount of time. MS SQL Server is an enterprise-level database product available to non-profits for a song. Using the two together we create applications that can store large quantities of data, retrieve those data quickly, and can be easily customized.

In addition, although it can be used by a programmer to create sophisticated applications, with just a small amount of training, any person comfortable with computers and the data being examined can use Access to create queries that filter, sort, and display data in any number of ways. Non-profit organizations often do not have a full-time IT staff, and by giving one or two of your staff members just a little training, you can empower your own organization to use the data you have to increase productivity, increase member response, and increase your ability to fulfill your mission.